
Windows NT/2000 における キーマップの変更方法

(文中のHHKとはHappy Hacking Keybordの略)

Who can?

Admin or Admin's equal

Where to modify?

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System \CurrentControlSet \Control \KeyBoard Layout

Before Modification?

  1. Save registry.
  2. Create key (default: no key... need to create new one).

After Modification?


How to modify? (e.g., values of Scancode Map follow bellow)

1. Left Control(0x1d) <-> Caps_Lock(0x3a)

0000 0000 0000 0000 0300 0000 1d00 3a00 3a00 1d00 0000 0000
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Header    Header    #of DWORD    <--|     <--|      NULL
                                 (1)       (2)       (3)

~~~~~~~~~ : DWORD(32bit)

<--|   : key mapping 
   - output <- input
   - one WORD  one Key
   - one DWORD one Key Mapping

#of DWORD : how many DWORD follows
   - include NULL
   - little endian
   - 3 DWORDs are used above  ((1)-(3))

2. Caps_Lock(0x3a) -> Left Control(0x1d) (for HHK with notePC)

0000 0000 0000 0000 0200 0000 1d00 3a00 0000 0000
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Header    Header    #of DWORD    <--|     NULL
                                 (1)       (2)

3. Right Alt(0xe038) -> 漢字(0x29) (for HHK)

0000 0000 0000 0000 0200 0000 2900 e038 0000 0000
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Header    Header    #of DWORD    <--|     NULL
                                 (1)       (2)


Space             0x39
半角/全角(漢字)     0x29
Esc               0x01
Caps Lock(英数)    0x3a
Left  Ctrl        0x1d
Right Ctrl        0xe01d
Left  Alt         0x38
Right Alt         0xe038
Num Lock          0x45
Scroll Lock       0x46
F1-F10            0x3B-0x44
F11-F12           0x57-0x58
Left Windows      0xe05b
Right Windows     0xe05c
Application       0xe05d
無変換             0x7b
変換               0x79
ひらがな(カタカナ)   0x70

HHK(Happy Hacking Keybord)について

  1. HHK Light2 (USB,黒) 非常に便利(notePCへも)かつ使いやすい (やはりコンパクト,押しごたえも抜群)かつ見た目良し(黒はいい)
  2. 日本語ノートで用いるならUSJP(share ware)が便利みたい. ソフト的に101と106を切り替えられる.
  3. PFU Happy Hacking Support

Created 2001/10/26 川嶋 宏彰 Hiroaki KAWASHIMA ( blind)
Last Modified 2001/12/05
Copyright 2001 Hiroaki KAWASHIMA. All rights reserved.